
[1985] Codasyl and Cobol Data Base Reports 1981, Kluwer/NOVI

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[1985] Codasyl and Cobol Data Base Reports 1981, Kluwer/NOVI
Codasyl and Cobol Data Base Reports 1981,
©1984 Kluwer Deventer/ Novi Maarssenbroek, 2 e oplage 1985,
afm. ca hb 24,5 x 16 cm, 230 ppag., paperback softcover,
boek in de Engelse taal, isbn 9026709404.
In dit boek een verslag van de voortgang en ontwikkeling binnen de Codasyl ( The Conference on Data Systems Languages ). Het boek bevat: Colofon, Contents, 2 Parts/ 3+1 Sections, Appendix
De inhoud/ Contents; Part I / Background and History/ Major Concepts/ Thr Data Description Language. Part II/ Codasyl COBOL (Chapter 13 The CoBOL Data Base Facility Data Manipulation, Appendix: SUBSETS/ DDL/ DML/ SQL.
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