
[1944] Electricity To-Day, Oxford Uni-Press

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[1944] Electricity To-Day, Oxford Uni-Press
Electricity To-Day, by T.B. Vinycomb.
Uitgave in de Engelse taal door Oxford University Press, London
Reprinted 1944. Uit de serie “The Pageant of progress”.
Afmeting ca 21,5 x 15 cm, aant. pag. ca 192, linnengebonden.
De tekst opgedeelt in 11 hoofdstukken bevat;
Introduction, Force Work Energy and Power, Conductors and Insulators; Cables, Generators I ; Batteries Chemical action of currents, , Magnetism; Electric Measurements and Electro-Magnets, Generators II ; Electric Motors and Generators, Direct and Alternating Currents, Transformers and Distribution of Power, Heating and Lighting, Electric Discharges; Lightning; The New Lamps, Electrical Methods of Communication I; Telegraphy and Telephony, Electrical Methods of Communication II; Wireless Transmission of Sound and Pictures, Index.
Het boek bevat in de tekst vele tekeningen, schema’s en illustraties met daarbij extra 23 pagina’s ( platen) met 51 foto’s op kunstdrukpapier.
Bijdragen zijn geleverd door Asea, GEC, studio Briggs, Johnson&Phillips Ltd, Standard Cable and telegraph Co.,Ltd, Postmaster General, Westinghouse Brake&Signals Co., Philips Technical Laboratory, Siemens Ltd, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph co.
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