
Wicca The Coven -dl.2 -Cate Tiernan (engelstalig)

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11 jaar geleden geplaatst


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Morgan blijkt een bloedheks te zijn, een kind van machtige heksen van een oude clan. De spanning wordt opgeroepen door de onheilspellende fragmenten uit het dagboek van Morgans echte moeder en de strijd om de mooie Cal tussen Morgan en haar voormalige vriendin Bree. Upon learning that she is a blood witch, Morgan concludes that her parents are blood witches and .... confronts them. Morgan's parents deny that they are blood witches which leads Morgan to find out that she was adopted. She runs out of the house in a fierce rage finding comfort with Cal. From then on: Cal and Morgan's relationship develops. Cal tells Morgan they were meant to be together. He says he loves her, the rift between Morgan and Bree grows, and Morgan goes on a quest to find her origins. Due to Cal and Morgan's relationship, Bree and Raven, a member of Cirrus, announce their leaving of the coven to a different coven which is headed by Sky Eventide. Morgan, in the end, meets Sky along with Hunter Niall,who is also Cal's half-brother at Cal's house. Morgan immediately feels extremely wary around Hunter and Sky upon meeting them. While trying to get away from them, Morgan accidentally stumbles upon Selene's hidden library, where she finds her mother's book of shadows. Puffin Books - paperback - 2002 - goede staat - naam op titelblad Zie ook deel 1 -en delen 3 tot en met 7 Verzendkosten eur 2,56 Nederland - Belgiƫ euro 5,25