
The Elizabethan Poets - edit. Fred Inglis

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Pocketeditie in de reeks Literature in Perspective, dit keer over oa dichters uit de periode van Queen Elizabeth I. 1558-1603 Bevat de volgende hoofdstukken: 1-The Elizabethan moment 2-The Native tradition, Italy and Sir Thomas Wyatt 3-The Plain Blunt men: Vaux, Cascoigne, Nashe and Ralegh (Raleigh) 4-Courtesy and Meditation: Edmund Spenser, Sir Philip Sidney, Robert Southwell 5-Song and Dance: The Madrigalists and Thomas Campion 6-The Style perfected: Fulke Greville and Shakespeare 7-Jonson the Master : Stones Well Squared 8-The making of English poetry Bibliography en Index Sir Walter Ralegh: 2 strofen (stanza's) uit The lie Tell zeal it wants devotion, Tell love it is but lust; Tell time it metes but motion, Tell flesh it is but dust: And wish them not reply, For thou must give the lie. Tell age it daily wasteth; Tell honour how it alters; Tell beauty how she blasteth; Tell favour how it falters: And as they shall reply, Give every one the lie. Evan Brothers - pocket - 1969 - ill. - goede staat Verzendkosten binnen Nederland eur 2,56 en naar het buitenland 5,25