
Harriet's daughter - Marlene Nourbese Philip (Engelstalig)

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Heerlijke roman over twee West-Indische jongedames die met wel en wee en een sterke, liefdevolle vriendschap voor elkaar, al puberend opgroeien in Toronto The novel successfully challenges stereotypical notions of bothstrong, matriarchal black mothers and of poor, abused powerless black women... a valuable contribution to Caribbean and postcolonial literature. - Choice A beautifully written and paced story, sure to capture the imagination of both teenagers and adult readers. Set in Toronto, two girls, Margaret -- a second generation West Indian immigrant -- and Sulma -- fresh up from a joyous life with her grandmother in Tobago to a tense and unhappy relationship with her mother and stepfather -- become friends and comrades in various adventures Heinemann, Caribbean Writers Series, paperback in goede staat/Good Verzendkosten/shipping eur 2.56 Nederland, eur 5,25 België EU