
Denon DL-103 cartridge DL103 element NIEUW

70x bekeken
6 maanden geleden geplaatst


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De Denon DL-103 wordt gezien als de beste in zijn prijsklasse en velen hebben getracht dit element te evenaren zonder succes.

beste prijs te vinden, nieuw in doos!! inclusief verzending...

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De DL-103 is een low-output moving-coil element en vereist daarom een speciale MC-ingang of een step-up transformator.

The sound of the DL103 is outstanding, and a super bargain at it's price point.
Many have heard of it referred to as a super-cart, or giant-killer. And it is.
It has the wonderful characteristic of allowing the music to come across as a composition, and not as a group of dis-jointed parts.
This is not as common as we would like in cartridges today.
Many carts will give great separation of instruments and holographic imaging, and detail, but they never seem to merge as a musical whole.
The Denon carts excell in this area of making the parts merge into a full musical presentation, and still retains the detail and delineation of the instruments and voices.
This is one of the major reasons why the DL103 is such a desirable cartridge.

Op dit product krijgt u alleen garantie op fabrieksfouten

Technische specificaties DENON DL-103

Handgemaakt hoogwaardig MC (Moving Coil) element, low output
Conische naaldtip
Output voltage : 0,3mV (1 kHz, 50mm/sec., horizontal direction)
Channel sensitivity difference : 1 dB or less (1 kHz)
Channel separation : Over 25 dB (1 kHz)
Electrical impedance : 40 Ohm +/- 20% (1 kHz)
Compliance : 5 x 10-6 cm/dyne (on disc)
Stylus pressure : 2.5 +/- 0.3 gr.
Playback frequency responce : 20 to 45,000 Hz
Weight : 8.5 gr.
Recommended load resistance : 100 Ohm or more (except when transformer is provided