
Norstone Bergen 2 audiomeubel NIEUW

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Norstone Bergen 2 audiomeubel
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Bergen rapidly stood out of the NorStone range as the favorite furniture of audio addicts. Bergen 2 now perfects this very efficient concept. Rigidity has been increased by the way shelves are fastened between the different feet parts. Each level, including the lower one, has its own spikes and counterspikes system. Thus this piece of furniture becomes a valued ally against vibrations. Bergen 2, with its 4 shelves, is ideal for top of the range Hi-Fi systems. Its top level has the perfect height for a turntable device. You’ll appreciate the shelves alignment with Bergen AV 2 ones. Both will give birth to a very nice combination. Ontwerp Zwart hooglans poedercoat staal Zwart hoogglans gehard glas Maximum draagvermogen Bovenste 3 plateau tot 30 kg Onderste plateau 40 kg Maatvoeringen B559 x D500 x H709 mm Hoogte tussen de plateau's a: 18,2 mm; b: 18,2 mm; c: 24,2 mm Gewicht: 17.2 kg