Wii Game *** ARCTIC TALE *** National Geographic
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Originele Wii Game
Zoo Digital Publishing
National Geographic
The Arctic is one of the most perilous environments in the world. Take on the role of a young Polar Bear, a Walrus or an Arctic Fox as they face a daily battle to survive in these hazardous conditions. Experience a thrilling interactive look as these animals roam the vast world of the Arctic wilderness.
* Play as three different animals from the film
* Both the Polar Bear and the Walrus have four attributes that relate to their survival
* 24 stages and 8 stages on mini-games
* Each episode will close with one of three endings
* Over a dozen additional land and sea creatures are scattered throughout the sub-zero terrain
Inclusief boekje
Avontuur en actie
1 speler
Vanaf 3 jaar
Bieden exclusief verzendkosten
Ophalen mogelijk in Haarlem
Verzendkosten NL € 4,04
Kijk bij mijn advertenties voor meer WII GAMES, en nog veel meer!
Zoo Digital Publishing
National Geographic
The Arctic is one of the most perilous environments in the world. Take on the role of a young Polar Bear, a Walrus or an Arctic Fox as they face a daily battle to survive in these hazardous conditions. Experience a thrilling interactive look as these animals roam the vast world of the Arctic wilderness.
* Play as three different animals from the film
* Both the Polar Bear and the Walrus have four attributes that relate to their survival
* 24 stages and 8 stages on mini-games
* Each episode will close with one of three endings
* Over a dozen additional land and sea creatures are scattered throughout the sub-zero terrain
Inclusief boekje
Avontuur en actie
1 speler
Vanaf 3 jaar
Bieden exclusief verzendkosten
Ophalen mogelijk in Haarlem
Verzendkosten NL € 4,04
Kijk bij mijn advertenties voor meer WII GAMES, en nog veel meer!