
Studieboeken geschiedenis (uitzoeken)

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Studieboeken geschiedenis (uitzoeken)
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(en in mijn winkel vindt u nog veel meer boeken in 37 groepen/genres onderverdeeld, zoals onder andere de groep 'studieboeken'. In mijn winkel kunt u de groep van u keuze aanklikken)
1) "Geschichte 7"
Lehrbuch für Klasse 7
1972, Volkseigener verlag Berlin
224 pag., harde kaft,
duits boek,
"einführung in dieses Lehrbuch:
-Die grossen geographischen Entdeckungen und der beginn der Kolonialpolitik westeuropäischer Länder
-Die Entwicklung des kapitalismus in England
-Das ringen um die Vorherrschaft in Europa während ders 17. Jahrhunderts
-Der landesfürstliche Absolutismus in Deutschland
-Die französische bürgerliche Revolution (1789 bis 1795)
-Die bürgerliche Umgestaltung Deutschlands in den Jahren 1789 bis 1840
-Der Sieg der kapitalistischen Produktionsverhältnisse in den fortgeschrittensten Ländern und die ersten Aktionen der arbeiterklasse
2) "A History of the Middle Ages" door Sidney Painter
reprinted 1979, The macmillan press ltd
Macmillan Student Editions
497 pag., isbn 0 333 04317 0
enigszins gebruikt uiterlijk, enkele pagina's zitten los
This book is a complete and colourful account of the period of European history A.D. 284-1500, covering such subject as the growth and development of the Christian faith and church organisation, the rise and decline of the feudal states, and the slow evolution of the European nations and the European economy to the point where the modern era begins.
The author's purpose is to delineate the leading and formative themes of the period. Special subjects such as the brilliant flowering of the Byzantine Empire are considered in detail without obstructing the main course of the narrative in Western Europe. The economic basis of society is kept constantly in view, and the manners and morals of men in each period form an intimate part of the survey.
Medieval warfare and the political solutions to different problems of the age receive special emphasis. An attempt is made to set in its proper light the great endeavour of the Middle Ages to make of Europe a united and Christian polity.
In the final chapter Professor Painter writes penetratingly of the civilisation of the Middle Ages as an entity, sorting out the problems and achievement of the epoch in a historical synthesis of deep interest to the student of the European past or present.
Sydney Painter, a specialist in medieval studies, was the authorof 'French Chivalty', 'the Reign of King John' and 'Medieval Society'. He was Professor of Medieval History at John Hopkins University until his death in 1960."
3) De wereld door
deel 2
Werkgroep Vos (J. Algera, W. Brinkkemper, G. van Duinen, T de Vos, H. Wemmenhove)
Een geïntegreeerde aardrijkskunde-geschiedenismethode voor eht 4-jarig L.B.O.
127 pag., isbn 90 03 65740 8