
Single - U draait nul 20 - Gemeentebestuur Amsterdam 1960

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Flip Bloemendal, Wim Povel, De Amsterdamse Politiekapel o.l.v. J.K. Pinkse

U Draait Nul 20 - 870.000 Nederlanders Vragen Uw Aandacht

Not On Label – DE 99.276
hoesje = nearmint
Vinyl, 7" = nearmint
Sep 30, 1960

Political, Spoken Word, Music
A1 Draaiorgel De Arabier– Tulpen Uit Amsterdam
Written-By – R. Arnie, Neumann*, Bader
A2 Draaiorgel De Arabier– Amsterdam
Written-By – Max Tak, A. de Haas
A3 Wim Sonneveld– Aan De Amsterdamse Grachten
Written-By – P. Shott
A4 Concertgebouworkest– 5e Symfonie
Written-By – L. v. Beethoven
A5 Unknown Artist– Merck Toch Hoe Sterck
Written By – Traditional
A6 Wim Sonneveld– Ik Heb Zo Vaak Aan Amsterdam Gedacht
Written-By – J. Senn
A7 Edmundo Ros– Mokum Is De Stad Voor Mij ( London Is The Place For Me )
Written-By – Roberts, Preston, Rios
A8 Jany Bron– Amsterdam (Oh, You Charming Place)
Written-By – L. Noiret, R. Butler, B. Oldham
A9 Quartetto Enzo Gallo– Andiamo Ad Amsterdam ( Geef Mij Maar Amsterdam )
Arranged By – E. Gallo
Written-By – H. de Groot, Vèriss 
B1 De Amsterdamse Politiekapel O.l.v. J.K. Pinkse*– K.L.M.-Mars
Written-By – Willy Schootemeyer
B2 De Amsterdamse Politiekapel O.l.v. J.K. Pinkse– Eurovisiemars
Composed By – Van Holland

A special recording initiated by the Council of Amsterdam, released on September 30th, 1960.
1000 copies were pressed. They were sent to members of the Dutch government and journalists.
It is an appeal - entitled "Luister naar de hartklop van uw hoofdstad" (Listen to the heartbeat of your capital) to the Dutch government to reserve funds for building the "IJ-tunnel", connecting the centre of Amsterdam with the northern part of the city. The Amsterdam council and (870.000) inhabitants thought it was not fair that they had to pay for the tunnel all by themselves, whereas other major infrastructural projects in the Netherlands received government funding (with money from Amsterdam tax payers included).

Both sides contain spoken word by Flip Bloemendal and Wim Povel.
Amsterdam Mayor Gijs van Hall can be heard in the final part on side B (uncredited).
The songs listed on the label are merely snippets interlacing the spoken word.
The running order does not quite match the order in which they are actually heard (A8 and A9 have switched places) and some songs are heard twice (A3 and A5).
The performing artists are not credited (except for the narrator, the voice actor and the Amsterdamse Politiekapel).
The performing artist on track A5 (which is repeated towards the end) could not be determined; it is played on church bells.
Matrix / Runout (Label A): AA 99.276.1 E