
Restricted Area - Master Creating

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2 jaar geleden geplaatst


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The year is 2083. As a result of environmental pollution, most of the earth is covered by the so-called wastelands, contaminated deserts with ruins and shelters where only mutants live. The only exceptions are the oceans and the cities, which grew larger and larger until they merged together to form giant megacities. Smog covers the atmosphere over these megacities, so the light is always dim, but colorful commercial projections and lanterns make up for the lack of light. Where once-powerful nations dominated the globe, threatening each other with sudden nuclear annihilation, one global government now rules the world. This global government is weak, and megacorporations have become a law unto themselves. People who accepted their sovereignty were protected, but the outcast, dissidents, and rebels were exploited and abused, continuing a condition that has existed between the weak and the powerful since the time began. On the other hand, if the megacorps want a job done but they don't want to dirty their hands, they need outcasts. Though an outlaw's existence is not listed in any government or corporate database, the demand for outlaw services is high. Some are computer experts, sliding like a whisper through the visualized databases of the giant corps, stealing the only thing of real value: information. Others are ex-soldiers, armed with weapons and synthetic reflexes. To protect their secrets from these criminal freelancers who steal them for other companies, the megacorps build large subterrestrial fortresses far out in the wastelands. As only company law counts there, that's what's known as ""restricted area."" Technology is now far more advanced---cyber implants and genetically enhanced organs replace most external equipment and can be bought to increase your abilities, going far beyond the possibilities of a normal human.

Genre: RPG (Role Playing Game)
Jaar: 2004
Taal: Engels
Type: PC
Systems: 98 - ME - 2000 - XP
Conditie: Nieuw en geseald

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