
PrehKeyTec ML 4 Compact RFID and fingerprint and reader

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PrehKeyTec ML 4 Compact RFID and fingerprint and reader 

PrehKeyTec ML 4, USB

RFID lezer, 13.56 MHz (ISO14443, NFC), contactloos, USB, zwart

• ID reader for the countertop and desktop

• Two devices in one: RFID and fingerprint reader

• Up to 2 USB ports for connecting peripherals

• Supports Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and Server 2000, 2003, 2008

The ID reader PrehKeyTec ML 4 combines the latest identification modules in a compact housing. Although it is barely larger than a standard mouse, the ML 4 offers a larger functionality scope when it comes to reading and transferring identification data. The reader supports both classical ID storage media (such as tags and RF cards, transponder and wristbands) as well as an identification medium which is still considered to be unforgeable: the human fingerprint. This makes the ML 4 highly practical in administration, at the counter or in the office. With its compact measurements of 94 x 151.5 x 30 mm it comfortably fits on every desk.

The ML 4 comes from the factory equipped with a high resolution (512 dpi) fingerprint reader and an RFID reader for reading proximity tags and cards based on ISO 14443 A and B.

Standalone module ML 4

The ML 4 range of input modules offer a combination of data input and capture technologies, from contact, contactless (RFID/NFC) and biometric data capture, all in one small highly configurable module. System builders
can now seamlessly add additional authentication methods, saving costs and providing increased levels of security and data capture.

The ML 4 is ideal for a range of environments, such as retail POS, aviation, hotels, government, SME, corporate and banking applications. Capturing data from users and customers becomes a simple and fast process, improving both the user experience and the integrity of system data capture.

Smart card readers and biometric finger print readers both eliminate and reduce costs associated with forgotten passwords and password resets. This greatly reduces fraud from co-worker false log on and helps with regularity compliance, financial regulations and audit trails.


• Integrated robust readers providing a small foot print

• Combines contact, contactless and biometric technologies

• Supports major cards and standards


• ePassport reading

PrehKeyTec GmbH is a leading international manufacturer of high-quality data input systems. Products include modular standard keyboards which are particularly suitable for professional use due to their high level flexibility
and extreme reliability.

Alle modellen:

- PrehKeyTec ML 4, USB

RFID lezer, 13.56 MHz (ISO14443, NFC), contactloos, USB, zwart

Service opties
- Garantieverlenging (+ 9%)

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Standalone Module ML 4

The ML 4 range of input modules offer a combination of data input and capture technologies, from contact, contactless (RFID/NFC) and biometric data capture, all in one small highly configurable module. System builders can now seamlessly add additional authentication methods, saving costs and providing increased levels of security and data capture.

The ML 4 is ideal for a range of environments, such as retail, aviation, hotel, government, corporate and banking applications. Capturing data from users and customers becomes a simple and fast process, improving both, the user experience and the integrity of system data capture.

Smart card readers and biometric fingerprint readers both eliminate and reduce costs associated with forgotten passwords and password resets. This greatly reduces fraud from co-worker false log on and helps with regularity compliance, financial regulations and audit trails.


• Integrated robust readers providing a small footprint

• Combines contact, contactless and biometric technologies

• Supports major cards and standards


• ePassport reading

• Micro-USB interface

• Also available as an RFID/NFC only version

Technical Data


USB Voltage
5 V± 5%

USB Current
< 500 mA

Operating System
Windows 7 or newer, others on request

Contact Smart Card Interface

Standards & Protocols
ISO 7816 Class A/B/C; T=0, T=1, S=8, S=9, S=10 (I²C, 2WBP, 3WBP)

Card Size
ID-1 (full-size)

Smart Card Interface Speed
420 kbps (when supported by card)

Supported Card Types
5 V, 3 V and 1.8 V smart cards, ISO 7816 Class A, AB and C

Power to Smart Card
60 mA

8 Pin Handling

Supported APIs
PC/SC-API, CT-API (on top of PC/SC), OCF (on top of PC/SC)

Status Indicator
Bi-color LED

100,000 insert cycles

CCID native driver from operating system (Windows/Linux/Mac)

Contactless Smart Card Interface

Standards & Protocols
T=CL, MIFARE®, iCLASS®, ISO 14443A/B - up to 848 kbps (depending on card), iCLASS 15693 up to 26 kbps (depending on card), NFC Tag 1,2,4

Operating Frequency
13.56 MHz

Optical Fingerprint Reader

Pixel Resolution
512 dpi

Scan Capture Area
14.6 mm (width at center) 18.1 mm (length)

8-bit grayscale (256 levels of gray)

Indicator LED
Blue LED

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