
PrehKeyTec MCI 84 Programmable POS keyboard

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PrehKeyTec MCI 84 Programmable POS keyboard

• Programmable POS keyboard

• 84 keys (12 x 7 matrix)

• Free allocation of single, double and quadruple keys

• Optional magnetic stripe reader and key lock

• Without key caps

30 million key operations per key delivers reliability that makes the MCI 84 suitable for almost any application at the POS. Its main advantages are minimal space requirements, ergonomically user-friendly handling and high flexibility.

You can program and allocate all 84 keys individually with single, double or multiple keys. The necessary pressure for operating all key combinations is always the same. It can be a single key or a quadruple key – professional PrehKeyTec keyboard technology makes the required force identical. Integrate your MCI 84 into even the smallest workplace or harshest environment – a space-saving, dirt and spray-resistant design offers long-term use almost everywhere.

Optionally, the keyboard is available with a 3-track magnetic stripe reader or a key lock with five positions and three keys.

MCI 84

Reliable and modular flexibility

The compact MCI keyboards are cashdesk keyboards for the point of sale. They require little space, are extremely reliable and user-friendly and excel by ergonomic handling and modular flexibility.


• 84 free-programmable keypositions

• Key exchange technique

• Single, double and multiple keys


• More than 30 million keystrokes for each position

• Front of keypad is protected against dust and splashing water

• Single and multiple keys with equal actuating force


• 3 track magnetic stripe reader

• 5 position keylock with 3 keys

• Colored keys

• Customized labelling of keys

• OPOS and Java POS drivers

• Glidepad

• 2-line display

PrehKeyTec GmbH is a leading manufacturer of advanced data input systems on the global market.
Their product range comprises modular standard keyboards which are primarily characterized by their high degree of flexibility and their extreme reliability, making them the ideal option for professional applications.

MCI 84 Technical Data

Key electronic

• Flash-Memory USB free programmable

• OPOS- Java POS driver

• Numeric layout (7 x 12) with 84 freeprogrammable key positions


• Size: 245 mm x 203,5 mm (W x D)


• Modular design requiring minimum space

• 4 status LEDs

• Menu-driven programmer software

• DOS, Linux and Windows compatibility

Stray radiation
CE Approval EN55022, FCC Subpart 15, Class A Electrostatic discharge im-munity according to EN 6100-4-2, resistance limit 12 kV (air discharge).Ra-diated, radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity, severity of test 10 V/m.


• USB interface


Magnetic stripe reader

• Card can be swiped in both directions

• Reads track 1, 2 and 3 accordingISO 7810 and 7811

• Additional configurations: AAMVA, CADL

• Parameter configurable by WinProgrammer (Header and Terminator)

• More than 500,000 read cycles


• 5 position keylock with 3 keys

• Glidepad

Alle modellen:

- PrehKeyTec MCI 84, num., USB, wit (prehi84 - 90328-302/1805)

Toetsenbord, programmeerbaar, 84 toetsen, numeriek, USB, incl.: sleutelset, kleur: wit

Service opties

- Garantieverlenging (+ 9%)

- PrehKeyTec MCI 84, num., USB, zwart (prehi84sw - 90328-303/1805)

Toetsenbord, programmeerbaar, 84 toetsen, numeriek, USB, incl.: sleutelset, kleur: zwart

Service opties

- Garantieverlenging (+ 9%)

- PE Service (+ 8%)

- PrehKeyTec MCI 84, num., MSL, USB, wit (prehi84msr - 90328-304/1805)

Toetsenbord, programmeerbaar, 84 toetsen, numeriek, magneetstriplezer, USB, incl.: sleutelset, kleur: wit

Service opties

- Garantieverlenging (+ 9%)

- FullCover (+ 18%)

- PrehKeyTec MCI 84, num., MSL, USB, zwart (pot231 - 90328-305/1805)

Toetsenbord, programmeerbaar, 84 toetsen, numeriek, magneetstriplezer, USB, incl.: sleutelset, kleur: zwart

Service opties

- Garantieverlenging (+ 9%)

- FullCover (+ 18%)

- PrehKeyTec MCI 84, num., MSL, vergrendeling, USB, zwart (prehi84usw - 90328-301/1805)

Toetsenbord, programmeerbaar, 84 toetsen, numeriek, magneetstriplezer, toetsenbord vergrendeling, USB, incl.: sleutelset, kleur: zwart

Service opties

- Garantieverlenging (+ 9%)

- FullCover (+ 18%)

Prijs op aanvraag

Garantie: 12 maanden fabrieksgarantie

Prijzen zijn in Euro, exclusief BTW en onder voorbehoud.
Drukfouten voorbehouden.

Beschikbaar toebehoren:

-Preh 1-Key (prehtaste1 - 12308-095/1800)

Enkelvoudige key met tranparant keycap.

-Preh enkelvoudige Key, zwart (prehtsw1 - 12308-084/1800)

Enkelvoudige key met tranparant keycap in zwart.

-Preh 2-Key (prehtaste2 - 12308-069/1800)

Dubbele key met tranparant keycap.

-Preh dubbele key, zwart (prehtsw2 - 12308-066/1800)

Dubbele key met tranparant keycap, zwart.

-Preh 4-Key (prehtaste4 - 12308-093/1800-RAL9002)

Viervoudige key met tranparant keycap.

-Preh 4-key, zwart (prehtsw4 - 12308-067/1800)

Viervoudige key met tranparant keycap, zwart.

-Preh Blind Key (prehblindk - 13007-323/0000)

Afdek toets die een positie op een Preh keyboard afdekt.

-Preh Blind Key, wit (pot620 - 13007-467/0000)

Preh 1x5 blind keycap in wit. Deze keycaps worden gebruikt om toetsen af te dekken die niet worden gebruikt.

-Preh blind key, zwart (pot621 - 13007-473/0000)

Preh 1x5 blind keycap in zwart.Deze keycaps worden gebruikt om toetsen af te dekken die niet worden gebruikt.

-Preh blind key, wit (pot622 - 13007-466/0000)

Preh 1x7 blind keycap in wit. Deze keycaps worden gebruikt om toetsen af te dekken die niet worden gebruikt.

-Preh blind key, zwart (pot623 - 13007-474/0000)

Preh 1x7 Blind keycap in zwart. Deze keycaps worden gebruikt om toetsen af te dekken die niet worden gebruikt.

-Preh blind keys, zwart (prehblinds - 13007-302/0000)

Afdek toets, zwart.

-Preh numeriek keyset (prehnblock - 13038-043/0000)

Numeriek keyset (0-9, 00, 000, komma, punt).

-Preh numeriek keyset, zwart (prehnsw - 13038-046/0000)

Numeriek keyset, zwart.

-Preh papierlabels, 1 key (prehblatt17 - 12671-088/0000)

Preh papierlabels tbv 1x1 sleutels, kleur: zinc geel

-Preh Keycap Set, zwart (prehset - 13038-047/0000)

Keycap set van A naar Z en umlauts, kleur: zwart

-Preh key Set (prehset2 - 13018-402/0000)

Preh key set van A naar Z en Umlaut, kleur: wit

-Preh 2-Keycap, groen (prehtaste2gr - 13017-050/0000)

Dubbele keycap, groen

-Preh 4-Key, groen (prehtaste4gr - 12308-093/1800-RAL6032)

Preh 2 x 2 sleutels (4 S) met verwijderbare keycap in groen(RAL6032)

-Preh 4-Key, rood (prehtaste4ro - 12308-093/1800-RAL3002)

Preh 2 x 2 sleutels (4 S) met verwijderbare keycap in red (RAL 3002)


Prijs op aanvraag

Garantie: 12 maanden fabrieksgarantie

Prijzen zijn in Euro, exclusief BTW en onder voorbehoud.
Drukfouten voorbehouden.


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MCI 84

Reliable and modular flexibility

The compact MCI keyboards are cashdesk keyboards for the point of sale. They require little space, are extremely reliable and userfriendly and excel by ergonomic handling and modular flexibility.

Technical Data

Key electronic

• Flash-Memory USB free programmable

• OPOS- Java POS driver

• Numeric layout (7 x 12) with 84 free

• programmable key positions


• Size: 245 mm x 203,5 mm (W x D)


• Modular design requiring minimum space

• 4 status LEDs

• Menu-driven programmer software

• DOS, Linux and Windows compatibility

Stray radiation
CE Approval EN55022, FCC Subpart 15, Class A Electrostatic discharge immunity according to EN 6100-4-2, resistance limit 12 kV (air discharge).Radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity, severity of test 10 V/m.


• USB interface


• Magnetic stripe reader

• Card can be swiped in both directions


• 5 position keylock with 3 keys

• Glidepad

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- HP Business Partner -

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