
Nigel Balchin - Mine own executioner

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Nigel Balchin - Mine own executioner
Zephyr Books (A Library of British and American Authors), Vol.155
1948, The Continental Book Company AB
255 pag.
paar vlekjes op de kaft, heel klein stukje van de rug geplakt
Teab (aub bieden excl. de eventuele porto)
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Voorin boek:
"The are too many Examples of men, that have been their own executioners, and that have made hard shrift to see so; some have alwayes had poyson about them, in a hollow ring upon their fingers, and some in their Pen that they used to write with; some have beat out their braines at the wal of their prison, and some have eate the fire out of their chimneys; But I do nothing upon my selfe, and yet am mine owne Executioner.
Donne, Devotions. "