Newfoundlander pups voor gratis/gemakkelijke adoptie
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1 jaar geleden geplaatst
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Free Newfoundland: The Newfoundland is a confident, affectionate, intelligent and meek dog. Its imposing appearance will keep those who mean evil at bay. Newfoundlanders sense situations flawlessly and will adequately protect you as a boss. The Newfoundland, of course, just like any other dog, needs an education. That is why it is advisable to follow an obedience course, so think before you start: Think carefully before you take a Newfoundlander into your home, everyone likes a small bear, but what if they get bigger.
The Newfoundlander loves to walk, but his preference for the water is especially known. Undoubtedly this is one of its outstanding features (waterworks). The average age is about ten years old. There are of course dogs that also die earlier, but also those that get older.
The Newfoundlander loves to walk, but his preference for the water is especially known. Undoubtedly this is one of its outstanding features (waterworks). The average age is about ten years old. There are of course dogs that also die earlier, but also those that get older.
The Newfoundland is an imposing dog, which is harmoniously and powerfully built, but despite its size and weight, should not make a slow or plump impression. There must be a clear difference between male and female. They have a broad and straight back. The chest is broad and deep and the tail extends slightly beyond the hock. Important desired parts in the Newfoundland head are: soft expression that reflects benevolence and gentleness. A well-formed broad head and slightly domed skullcap. The muzzle is distinctively square, deep but moderately short and free of creases. The eyes are small and dark, set wide apart and moderately deep set. The teeth are preferably scissors but pincers are allowed. Stand straight on the legs. The height at the withers of a dog is about 71 cm and that of a bitch about 64 cm.
The Newfoundland (the Gentleman among dogs) originates from Canada from the island of Newfoundland, where he helped fishermen pull the nets out of the water and was also known as a people saver. There are 3 color varieties, namely black, brown and white-black.