
Magnetism in solids - D.H. Martin

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5 maanden geleden geplaatst


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€ 6,45


Hardcover met stofomslag, uitgave 1967, 452 blz. Met diagrammen. Engelstalig. Boek is in goede staat. Boek past niet door de brievenbus. Verzendkosten (€ 6,45 bezorging thuis of € 5,45 ophalen DHL-punt) zijn voor de koper. [D33]

Magnetism in solids is a subject which continues to demand attention because of its technological importance and also because it challenges the ingenuity of both experimental and theoretical physicists. Several recently developed experimental techniques have found their most fruitful application in magnetism. The main aim of this book is not to teach techniques, whether experimental or theoretical, but to present a broad account of the subject which takes the discussion of major topics to the points of current investigation. (....)

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