
Jonathan Safran Foer - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Engelstalig)

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368 pagina's

Jonathan Safran Foer (1977) schreef de zeer succesvolle en bekroonde romans Extreem luid & ongelooflijk dichtbij en Alles is verlicht. Na lang wachten verscheen in 2016 zijn nieuwste roman Hier ben ik, een monumentaal verhaal over een man die zijn gezin langzaam kwijtraakt. Foer heeft eveneens het succesvolle non-fictieboek Dieren eten geschreven, over eetgedrag en waarom mensen dieren eten. Het werk van Jonathan Safran Foer is in tientallen talen vertaald en heeft altijd opgeroepen tot veel debat.De Joods-Amerikaanse Foer studeerde filosofie aan Princeton University. Hij woont in Brooklyn, New York.

In Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close nine-year-old Oskar Schell is an inventor, amateur entomologist, Francophile, letter writer, pacifist, natural historian, percussionist, romantic, Great Explorer, jeweller, detective, vegan, and collector of butterflies. When his father is killed in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centre, Oskar sets out to solve the mystery of a key he discovers in his father's closet. It is a search which leads him into the lives of strangers, through the five boroughs of New York, into history, to the bombings of Dresden and Hiroshima, and on an inward journey which brings him ever closer to some kind of peace.

Jonathan Safran Foer emerged as one of the most original writers of his generation with his best-selling debut novel, Everything Is Illuminated. Now, with humor, tenderness, and awe, he confronts the traumas of our recent history. What he discovers is solace in that most human quality, imagination.

Onderstaande tekst is vertaald vanuit de originele taal

In Extreem Luid en Ongelooflijk Dichtbij is de negenjarige Oskar Schell een uitvinder, hobby-entomoloog, liefhebber van de Franse taal, brievenschrijver, pacifist, natuurhistoricus, percussionist, romanticus, Grote Ontdekkingsreiziger, edelsmid, detective, veganist en verzamelaar van vlinders. Als zijn vader wordt gedood in de aanval van 11 september op het World Trade Centre, gaat Oskar op pad om het mysterie op te lossen van de sleutel die hij in zijn vaders kast ontdekt. De zoektocht brengt hem in de levens van vreemden verspreid over de vijf stadsdelen van New York, in de geschiedenis, naar de bombardementen van Dresden en Hiroshima, en op een reis binnenin zichzelf die hem steeds dichter naar een soort vrede brengt.

Jonathan Safran Foer stond op als één van de meest originele schrijvers van zijn generatie met zijn bestsellerdebuut Alles is Verlicht. Nu confronteert hij met zijn humor, gevoeligheid en ontzag de trauma’s van onze recente geschiedenis. Wat hij ontdekt is troost in die meest menselijke eigenschap: verbeelding.

Booklist, ALA, Starred Review New York Times bestseller A Best Book of the Year Los Angeles Times, Washington Post Book World, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Rocky Mountain News Energetic, inventive, and ambitious . . . an uplifting myth born of the sorrows of 9/11 -- Boston Globe Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a miracle, a daybreak, a man on the moon. It's so impeccably imagined, so courageously executed, so everlastingly moving and fine. -- Baltimore Sun A funny, wise, deeply compassionate novel that will renew readers' faith that the right book at the right time still has the power to change the world. -- O, The Oprah Magazine Foer is definitely a new sort of literary warrior -- virtuosic, visionary, ingenious, hilarious, heartbreaking. He brings an astonishing array of firepower to the page. -- Village Voice New York Times bestseller A Best Book of the Year Los Angeles Times, Washington Post Book World, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Rocky Mountain News Energetic, inventive, and ambitious . . . an uplifting myth born of the sorrows of 9/11 -- Boston Globe Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a miracle, a daybreak, a man on the moon. It's so impeccably imagined, so courageously executed, so everlastingly moving and fine. -- Baltimore Sun A funny, wise, deeply compassionate novel that will renew readers' faith that the right book at the right time still has the power to change the world. -- O, The Oprah Magazine Foer is definitely a new sort of literary warrior -- virtuosic, visionary, ingenious, hilarious, heartbreaking. He brings an astonishing array of firepower to the page. -- Village Voice New York Times bestseller A Best Book of the Year Los Angeles Times, Washington Post Book World, Chicago Tribune, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Rocky Mountain News Energetic, inventive, and ambitious . . . an uplifting myth born of the sorrows of 9/11 -- Boston Globe Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a miracle, a daybreak, a man on the moon. It's so impeccably imagined, so courageously executed, so everlastingly moving and fine. -- Baltimore Sun A funny, wise, deeply compassionate novel that will renew readers' faith that the right book at the right time still has the power to change the world. -- O, The Oprah Magazine Foer is definitely a new sort of literary warrior -- virtuosic, visionary, ingenious, hilarious, heartbreaking. He brings an astonishing array of firepower to the page. -- Village Voice