
Hilary Cunningham, e.a. ~ Inside Guides: Canada

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Insight Guide: Canada is much more than a guidebook. A team of local writers provides real insight into the second largest country in the world. They combine the incisive text and vivid photojournalism pioneered by Apo Publications, seeking out the most exciting information, from Canada's extensive US border to its Arctic wastes.

The book begins with a lively history, followed by a series of essays designed to give insight into the diverse lives of the Inuits and the French and English-speaking communities. There is a complete run-down on the towns and cities, coast and countryside, monuments and parks, backed up by maps. Finally, travel and hotels, shops and restaurants, sports and parks are packed into a listings section. From Yonge Street to the Yukon, it's all here. The text is complemented by remarkable photography showing this beautiful country at its best.

In more than 300 pages, I
nsight Guide: Canada inspires while it explains, entertains while it informs. It's the only guide-book you'll ever need.

Auteur: Hilary Cunningham, e.a.
Jaartal: 1995
Druk: 5th
Uitgever: APA Publications Ltd.
Aantal Pagina's: 387
ISBN Nummer: 0-88729-634-3
Conditie: goede staat

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