
Exhibition Road (Royal College of Art) - Paul Huxley

14x bekeken
28 dagen geleden geplaatst


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€ 4,20


Hardcover gebonden linnen zonder stofomslag, uitgave 1988, 176 blz. Met foto's en afbeeldingen in kleur en zwart/wit. Engelstalig. Boek is in goede staat. Verzendkosten (4,20 euro) zijn voor de koper. [D29]

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The Royal College of Art is 150 years old, and as a part of the celebrations its Painting Department has mounted one of the most striking exhibitions of modern British painting ever seen. Exhibition Road presents the work of the College's best-known pupils and teachers, who include many of the seminal figures in modern British art.Artists who where students at the College are represented by a student painting and a representive later work in a series of fascinating juxtapositions that provide a unique opportunity to study the play of influences and the maturing of individual genius.Specially commissioned essays by distinguished critics add a further dimenstion,The contributers discuss the role of the Royal College in the wider development of British art, and also draw on many memories to re-create the life and atmosphere of the College and its influence on its student.With the collection of the memorable images and juxtapositions , its commentary on the theme of youth and maturity, and its rich study of relationships, influences and individuality, Exhibition Road makes an important and original contribution to our outstanding of 20th-century British painting.

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- De verzendkosten voor een brievenbuspakje bedragen 9 euro. U betaalt dit tarief ook als meerdere boeken in één envelop passen.
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