
Epson TM-S1000 USB zwart A41A266031 cheque en kwitantie scanner

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4 jaar geleden geplaatst




Epson TM-S1000, USB, black (eps1000usw - A41A266031)

cheque and receipt scanner, MICR, OCR, 500 scans/sec., 60 dpm, USB, colour: black

cheque en kwitantie scanner, MICR, OCR, 500 scans/s, 60 dpm, USB, kleur: zwart

Epson TM-S1000 Professional reader for electronic scanning of check information

•  Professional check and voucher scanner for office and gastronomy

•  MICR and OCR scanning with the highest precision

•  Larger scanning range for receipts with up to 270x120 mm

•  Double-sided detection for up to 60 checks/min.

•  Integrated franking function for a direct voiding 

Increasingly, vouchers and restaurant checks are catching on as a cashless payment medium. A majority of restaurants and specialised shop chains today already accept checks and coupons, and many large and medium-sized companies use this type of payment for their employees or for voucher promotions for advertising measures. In Germany, England and France over 720,000 transactions are processed in this manner every day. Electronic scanning of check information is of enormous importance for your customers, as digital transfer of data to respective organisations guarantees rapid transfer of the designated amount. If they send the coupons manually, they often have to wait weeks for dispersing the funds.

With the TM-S1000 from Epson, your customers are guaranteed not only digital, but also rapid reading of vouchers directly at the site of the transaction. The user simply places the check in the input area, the scanner automatically pulls the document in, checks the voucher on both sides for completeness as well as validity, and voids the checks directly after being scanned. For multiple readings, the user inserts up to 100 checks at one time, which are processed immediately at up to 500 mm per second. The TM-S1000 has two output trays, which gives your customers the flexibility to switch between different vouchers in the same process.

In order to be able to react flexibly to diverse licensed payment mediums, the TM-S1000 also reads especially large coupons of up to 270x120 mm. The professional interpretation via MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) and OCR ensures a perfect initial reading and extreme precision. Different data formats are available to your customers for displaying information.

The newest processor technology guarantees not only fast scanning (up to 60 checks per minute), but moreover especially quiet processing. The robust housing and the high MCBF of over 2.4 m scans ensures long-term successful application. Diverse diagnostic tools and status LEDs inform users of the process and transmitted protocols directly via PER software on the connected system – the integrated USB2.0 interface always ensures a high data rate.


 A high reliability cheque and coupon scanner for financial and corporate markets

Remote deposit capture completely changes and speeds up the interaction between banks and depositing customers.
The TM-S1000 offers new innovative features, including outstanding MICR accuracy, together with the quality and reliability Epson is known for.

 Leading MICR accuracy and advanced features

Epson’s TM-S1000 cheque scanner is ideal for banks and corporations that want to capture cheques using back office capture (BOC), remote deposit capture (RDC) or a combination of the two. The Epson cheque scanner is available in both a 30 DPM and 60 DPM versions. It features RDM’s MICR algorithms and imaging to provide the highest MICR accuracy of any desktop scanner on the market today. The TM-S1000 also features clear electronic endorsements, a double cheque detector that virtually eliminates multiple cheque feeding and a built-in franker that prints a static message on cheques to prevent double processing.

 Flexibility to meet application requirements

The Epson TM-S1000 comes with two pocket support as a standard feature. This gives you the flexibility to process and segregate different types of documents such as cheques and payment coupons. In addition, the 100 sheet document feeder allows high volume processing.

Easy to use and control

Whether you use the Epson TM-S1000 in the back office or at a busy teller station, the TM-S1000 has been designed for easy maintenance. The cheque scanning process is simple and replacing the franker unit is quick and easy and does not require any special training. The scanner also features advanced self-diagnostics which keep the operator informed of the scanner status and provide clear error indications on the scanner and error messages displayed via host software.

 Epson quality and reliability

With a MCBF of 2.47 million documents, the Epson TM-S1000 has the reliability you need. As a world leading manufacturer of retail and office equipment, Epson offers high quality engineering with world class quality control and support.

Key Features

• High accuracy of cheques and document image capturing

• Reliable double-sided scanning, recognizing and franking

• High processing speed of up to 60 cheques per minute

• Sophisticated paper sensors to ensure single paper feed

• Unique image processing technology with noise reduction

• Electronic endorsement function for improved readability and proofing

• Up to 100 documents can be processed in one job

• Drop-in auto-sheet feeder and 2 pockets, each with near-full sensor

• Easy to use, with quick access to document transport path

• Operator panel with status LEDs and sensors to ensure accuracy

• Large image scanning area of 26,95 x 10,26 cm

• MICR and OCR function with exceptional failure rate of < 0.1%

• Small footprint (16 x 36 cm) saves space at the teller station

• Full Epson driver and utility support for Windows and .net environment

 Model Epson TM-S1000

Image Scanner CIS (Contact Image Sensor)

Resolution 200 x 200 dpi, 120 x 120 dpi, 100 x 100 dpi

 Scanning mode 256-level gray scale, Black and White

 Data format:
Gray scale: TIFF, JPEG, BMP, RAW
Black and White: TIFF (CCITT Group4), BMP

Scanning speed 500 mm/s

 Process speed 30 dpm or 60 dpm depending on the model

MICR reader Permanent magnetic bias

MICR symbologies E13B, CMC7


Document specification:
Length: 120 mm – 235 mm (approx. 4.8 in to 9 in)
Thickness: 0.075 mm x 0.2 mm (approx. 0.003 in to 0.008 in)
Height: 68 mm – 120 mm (approx. 2.7 in to 4.8 in)
Weight: 60 – 120 g/m2 (approx. 16lb to 32lb)

Pockets Auto Sheet Feeder (ASF) + 2 document storage pockets

 Pocket capacities:
ASF: 100 sheets
Main pocket: 100 sheets
Sub pocket: 50 sheets

 Interface High-speed USB (USB 2.0 compliant)

 Franking cartridge:
Type: Exclusive franking cartridge EFC-01
Life: 18,000 sheets

Life: 1,000,000 sheets
MCBF: 2,470,000 cycles

Overall dimension: 355 x 176 x 160 mm / 14.0 x 6.93 x 6.30 in (D x H x W)

Mass (approx.) 4.0 kg / 8.8 lb

Case color EPSON Dark Gray

Operating environment:
CPU: Pentium 4, 1.2 GHz or more
Memory: 256 MB or more above the minimum OS system requirements

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional SP4
Microsoft Windows XP Home/Professional Edition SP2
Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)
Home Basic/Home Premium/Ultimate/Business

Alle modellen:

-Epson TM-S1000, USB, zwart (eps1000usw - A41A266031)

cheque en kwitantie scanner, MICR, OCR, 500 scans/s, 60 dpm, USB, kleur: zwart

Garantie: 12 maanden

Uit te breiden met:

- Garantieverlenging +9%
- FullCover +18%

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