
Draughts through the years

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Draughts through the years

Rafail Zdorovak & Leo Springer

395 pages, A4 format, Hard cover

In English!!

Normal price 25 euros, now introductory price 20 euros!

Built in 4 parts: General, Endgame, Middlegame and Openings, with analyzes of various grandmasters such as Boomstra, Shvartsman, Getmansky and Valneris

Preface Ton Sijbrands:
There are, in general, four reasons why I warmly recommend this book to you. The first two are hidden in both the technical and publishing qualities of both authors. Rafaël Zdoroviak, originally from the Soviet Republic of Moldova but now living in Hannover, already had several publications to his name when he pleasantly surprised the draughts world in 2005 with a book in which he discusses more than a hundred games he has played against grandmasters out of his long career. And Leo Springer, who by the way is not only an undeserved draughts player, but certainly enjoys fame as a draughts problem constructor and especially as an endgame composer in the world of draughts. But I was talking about four reasons, not just two. Well now. The other two reasons for responding to the request to write a modest preface are in the personal relationship I have with both authors.(...)

The reader of this book I hereby wish a lot of pleasure with this joint product from the couple Zdoroviak/Springer and pronounce hereby the hope this book will find easily its way to the (draughts) public! Ton Sijbrands