
Dennis Sinclair - The blood brothers

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Dennis Sinclair - The blood brothers
1977, Corgi books
175 pag., isbn 0 552 10353 5
Prijs: teab (bieden excl de eventuele porto aub)
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"There is no patriotism without SURVIVAL....
There was an ugly situation brewing in Australia. A polictician with a long memory for wartime atrocities, and an eye on his future career, was stirring up anti-Japanese feeling. And the trouble wasn't limited to talk - a japanese freighter had been blown up, and three Japanese businessmen kidnapped, stripped naked and hunted through the desert like animals before being murdered... Now there were signs that a group of violently patriotic - and outraged - Japanese were heading for Australia for revenge. SURVIVAL, the secret international organisation pledged to maintaining world peace, flew in Greg Ballard, under his cover as an international journalist - and what he found there was a potential race war that could explode at any time..."