
Chris Evans ~ The Iron Elves 2: The Light Of Burning Shadows

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Once, the Iron Elves were the elite shock troops of the Calahrian Imperial Army. Until their commander, Konowa Swift Dragon, killed the Viceroy of Elkyna, and the Iron Elves were disbanded and banished, their honour in tatters.

The regiment Konowa now leads are raw recruits and troublemakers, with not an elf among them, though they bear the Iron Elves' name. And yet, blooded in battle and bound by an oath that is stronger than death itself, they have become a formidable fighting unit, in their struggle against the elf-witch known as the Shadow Monarch. As her power grows, the lives of every living creature will come to depend on one small band of ragged and desperate soldiers, whose very loyalty to the Empire they have sworn to serve is no longer certain.

Meanwhile, for Konowa, in the desert wastes of the Hasshugeb Expanse, another piece of the puzzle that is his destiny awaits…

Auteur: Chris Evans
Jaartal: 2009
Druk: -
Uitgever: Simon & Schuster Ltd - London
Aantal Pagina's: 368
ISBN Nummer: 978-1-84737-558-2
Conditie:goede staat

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