
A handbook of sociology - William F. Ogburn

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€ 6,45


Hardcover zonder stofomslag, uitgave 1950, 644 blz. Engelstalig. Kleine beschadiging eerst 4 blz. introductie (zie foto's); naam in potlood op schutblad; verder in goede staat. Boek past niet door de brievenbus. Verzendkosten (€ 6,45 bezorging thuis OF € 5,45 ophalen DHL-punt) zijn voor de koper. [D38]

Profs. Ogburn and Nimkoff‘s contribution to the well-known International Library of Sociology and Reconstruction maintains the high standard which one has learned to expect from this series and, in many respects, may be rated as the most useful source-book in sociology yet produced. Looking at social life as the interaction of four factors : the biological organism, geographical environment, group processes and cultural heritage, the authors first discuss the principal conclusions of biology, psychology, geography and other disciplines in their relations to sociology, and then proceed to the fundamental facts, basic concepts and theories which form the body of sociology proper. In the latter section the book touches its highest level and, in the chapters on the family and religious institutions, the rational approach to subjects which are usually clothed with emotion and sentiment deserves careful study by all who are seeking to unravel the complexities of the behaviour of individuals in groups.

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